If Whites don’t see race, then they won’t see White Genocide.
Chris Rufo, preeminent opponent of Critical Race Theory and of child gender-blurring, is the star of the new Board of Trustees that Gov. Ron DeSantis has appointed to give a traditionalist overhaul to Florida’s New College.
Chris Rufo is also a fervent supporter of White Genocide.
Don’t believe it? Read on!
(Click on the below to enlarge it)
The highlighted sentence EXACTLY describes Chris Rufo’s view!
Click on his image below to hear him say it.
Note that Rufo isn’t talking about “intermarriage” in a vacuum. His genocidal project of racial obliteration can be achieved only by mass third-world immigration combined with mass forced assimilation. Anti-Whites have imposed those two conditions to make intermarriage the mass phenomenon that Rufo envisions!
Rufo also speaks as if all races will be blended away. But the races that anti-Whites are flooding into White countries to mix en masse with Whites will survive intact in their own homelands! No one is flooding African countries with millions of non-Africans! No one is flooding China with millions of non-Chinese! Drowning a people away in a sea of diversity is a program for White countries only.
The graphics in this article are also links
Many other aspects of Rufo’s support of White Genocide are looked at in greater detail in this article:
White people organizing to resist White Genocide is seen by Rufo as a “poison for our country” that’s as deadly as Critical Race Theory!
Pro-Whites replied to that tweet by Rufo:
Karlyn Borysenko’s attempt to mock those replies got Rufo’s encouragement:
Rufo and those like him desire desperately that Whites develop no feeling of their identity as Whites. “Colorblindness” is obviously the perfect word for them to repeat over and over to condition Whites away from feeling any White identity that would enable them to oppose White Genocide.
If it were all just about treating races equally for college admissions, hiring, promotions, etc., then his other terms “equality” and “equal treatment” would suffice.
So why is he so keen to add the word “colorblindness”?
“Colorblindness has helped make race into a taboo topic that polite people cannot openly discuss. And if you can’t talk about it, you can’t understand it, much less fix the racial problems that plague our society.”
Of course even the insightful and esteemed Dr. Monica T. Williams can’t write in mainstream “Psychology Today” that the greatest of our “racial problems” is White Genocide.
But, possibly the force of Rufo’s actions against CRT and against other acids that are being thrown in the face of Western civilization will lift White demoralization a bit and actually strengthen Whites’ sense of their group identity. Maybe that effect will be greater than the effect of Rufo’s blocking White identity with the ideological packaging he gives his actions.
In any case, Christopher Rufo is a rising political star on the right whose prominence is likely to increase. Everyone needs to see clearly that he has the same goal as our present Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas: secure the homeland for White Genocide.
If Whites don’t see race, then they won’t see White Genocide.
This guy is mixed or other race with white type skin . He is not White race , last name Rufo . He wants people to be more of his mixed race , theoretically , because there are so few of his mixed phenotype and he wants to start his own race like himself but we all know that will take at least 500 plus years or so . So, who cares what he says.
I believe he’s said that his background is Italian. I’ve never heard of his being mixed race. His family is mixed, his wife is Thai.

That video clip, or maybe Scott Greer’s tweet that it’s in, has lately gotten a little corrupted. But if you let it just play through where it goes silent, then after it’s finished the sound will oddly come back on and the clip will automatically start over and quickly skip to finish the part it left out.
I assume Elija Schaffer and Sydney Watson are the interviewers, but I wasn’t able to find the show that that clip is from. If anyone has that clip, or the show it’s from, uncorrupted, a link to it in a comment here would be very appreciated!
Chris Rufo wants to preserve gender identity but wipe out racial identity.
Rufo is just the unthinking product of the “anti-racial” era he was raised and conditioned in. If he were the product of the “anti-gender” era that may be beginning now, his susceptible mind would be conditioned to oppose gender identity too.
I don’t think we’ll have much of an “anti-gender era,” since there’s been no relentlessly publicized holocaust of a gender to build it on.
Mentioning gender doesn’t conjure up a chorus of robots reciting, “We’ve seen what recognizing gender leads to!”
When I was young it was impolite to ask a woman if she had a penis. I guess times haven’t changed so much.
Revolver News article:
Total Victory: DeSantis’ “New Florida College” Triumph Is the Blueprint for Recapturing “Woke” Institutions Across the Country
I posted the comment below to that article.
I’m sorry, but the most important item in the article is the word “colorblindness.”
“Chris Rufo hammers ‘colorblindness’ to slip support for White Genocide into DeSantis’s campaign.”
“Chris Rufo hates Critical Race Theory but loves White Genocide!”
The White race can recover from critical race theory and gender-blurring, but it can’t recover once it’s blended out of existence by mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation in all its homelands — White Genocide.
Rufo exults in the mass intermarriage that will result from mass immigration and mass assimilation (see the linked articles above to source the quotes):
“I think interracial marriage is a sign of progress, I think it’s beautiful, I think it’s amazing…America iis going to look very different in 100 years. You’re not going to be able to tell ‘you’re Black, you’re White, you’re Hispanic, you’re Puerto Rican, whatever.’…I think ultimately that’s going to be good.”
“White identitarianism is pathetic and disgusting.”
Of course the races that are being used to blend the White race out of existence in White homelands will survive intact in their own homelands.
Unfortunately, Chris Rufo, an anti-White who supports White Genocide, is what we’ve got, so it’s up to the rest of us to see that his good works last but his anti-White ideology perishes!
“Unfortunately, Chris Rufo, an anti-White who supports White Genocide, is what we’ve got, so it’s up to the rest of us to see that his good works last but his anti-White ideology perishes!”
I like that, but I’m not sure how good Rufo’s “good works” are going to be.
I’m going to bet that when Rufo et al get their new regime installed at New College, they’re going to be as unpleasant to anyone who expresses concern about the fate of the White race as anti-Whites on the left have been.
I hope I’m wrong. We’ll see.
Hey! Here’s my shorter version of your article, with my own brilliant conclusion added! I posted it (a bit tardily) on Revolver News:
Rufo certainly does mean “blending white people out of existence.” Please read his words again. He would like, or at least he says he would like, for all races to be blended out of existence. It’s the old “we can eliminate race problems by turning humanity into one huge brown blob” insanity, which in practice becomes blending only White people out of existence as described below.
“Rufo says, ‘Whoever you love, go for it!’ But is he talking about interracial marriage in the same sense you may think of it, as simply a decision between two individuals to marry? Absolutely not! To create the America that Rufo proposes, with no White people left in America at all, and to do the same to other majority White countries, anti-White Western governments must continue their programs of mass third-world immigration and forced integration plus propaganda to intermarry that result in mass outbreeding that will blend Whites away.
“Rufo speaks as if all races are to be blended away by the current genocide, but the races that anti-Whites are flooding into White countries to mix en masse with Whites, to blend Whites out of existence, will survive intact in their own homelands. No one is flooding African countries with millions of non-Africans! No one is flooding China with millions of non-Chinese!”
Chris Rufo hates Critical Race Theory but loves White Genocide!
Like so many Whites after decades of propaganda, Rufo’s brain is likely filled so full of “Hitler, Hitler, Hitler” that he’s terrified of Whites feeling enough racial identity to save themselves.

I don’t claim Rufo has thought all this through. I assume that like too many others he has NOT thought it through. But Rufo is a vivid example of a split in the right that’s going to mean the end of the White race if it’s not resolved in favor of Whites developing a racial awareness of themselves.
This headline at Breitbart today produced ‘uncontrollable guffawing’ by me.
Liberal Tears: Michelle Obama Recalls ‘Uncontrollable Sobbing’ When Trump Became President; ‘No Diversity, No Color’
Michelle needs some of Rufo’s “colorblindness.”
I think I’ve seen Rufo use the phrase “colorblind meritocracy.” Unless you support White Genocide, there’s no need to include the word “colorblind” in that phrase at all. The term “meritocracy”, or “merit-based,” covers all that you should want to say and maybe more.
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