The Department of Homeland Security (do you remember when that name seemed an Orwellian joke?) has created its new Disinformation Governance Board (will the Orwellian stink of that name soon pass from memory also?) to suppress speech that opposes White Genocide.
That protects the DHS’s program of flooding the U.S. with the third world to blend the White race out of existence.
Darren Beattie’s Revolver News:
“In short, the Disinformation Governance Board’s chief purpose isn’t simply to suppress unwanted ideas in America, but specifically to assist in a crucial development: The transformation of DHS from the department that guards America’s borders into the department keeping them pried open at all costs.“
Listen to DHS Secretary Mayorkas pretend that his “Department of White Genocide” isn’t actually anti-White and doesn’t really support White Genocide!
To head the Department of White Genocide’s new Ministry of Truth, Mayorkas chose Nina Jankowicz (the woman in the photo above), a “disinformation expert.”
That description of Ms. Jankowicz is spot on if you interpret the phrase accurately:
Mayorkas admits that he didn't know that the head of Biden's "Ministry of Truth" Nina Jankowicz called the Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation." pic.twitter.com/jkQPT6qSt2
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 4, 2022
Ms. Jankowicz’s role will be to blot out important truths and replace them with government disinformation.
Disniformation that strengthens the anti-White regimes that are carrying out White Genocide in White countries world wide.
Most graphics in this article are also links.
Apparently as a result of public reaction, Nina Jankowicz has resigned and the Disinformation Governance Board has been “paused.”
The Board’s functions will of course continue.
If you have the time and the interest, the place to learn about the huge U.S. Disinformation Industry is Darren Beattie‘s wonderful investigative articles on his Revolver News site.
Busted: Disinformation Operative Who Attacked Elon Musk’s Push for “Free Speech” Caught Red-Handed in Secret Influence Operation
My Google account shut down
So utube and facebook
Many years ago
You know why
I’m right wing conservative
MARXISTS have no comment no posting zone.. as no fly zone in Ukraine
Utube ..twiter facebook
Tik tok
Are tools of MARXISTS liberals
Promote degenerates
Only jews can save us
Like zelensky and ben Shapiro
A deal
We provide bodyguards
Iron army discipline
Jews provide brains and manipulation tactics that favour us
To secure their money
Jew cannot live and leach african or Muslim societies
Jews need us
An we need their manipulation tactics
In our favour
A fair deal
With the jew
Jen Psaki has greek origins I heard
Isn’t it ???
I want a peaceful way
To stop white genocide
Through a deal
With the jew boss
If jew boss value his money
Jew can live in marxist china
To see if he like it there
“The Board’s functions will of course continue.”
Indeed. The brilliant, all encompassing, formerly rare word “disinformation” is the term that all institutions can unite behind to censor the populations of the world.
Glenn Greenwald gives a good intro to the topic in his program The Disinformation Fraud: How America’s Most Powerful Institutions Joined Forces to Crush Speech & Silence Dissent, with Jacob Siegel | SYSTEM UPDATE #81
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