“Only Whites are denied the human rights to homelands and self-determination. No one’s turning Japanese into a minority in Japan. No one’s turning Chinese into a minority in China. No one’s turning blacks into minorities in 50+ black countries.
“This genocide is being carried out by mass non-white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL and ONLY white countries, the goal of which is to force blend ONLY white people out of existence.
“The entire non-white world rejects diversity but no one screams ‘Nazi Racist Supremacist!!’ at them. ONLY white countries are expected to drown themselves in a sea of diversity. That’s why we say, ‘Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, white countries for EVERYBODY?!'” tinyurl.com/qlhstlg
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person!
If you’d like to add initials (150 initials will display the message on the White House’s website for the rest of April), click on the title or header — you can put just an initial in each of the two name boxes, but give a working email address to receive the White House’s email to click on its confirming link.
April’s White House meme-message was extracted from this article:
The featured image at the top is a 1975 protest in Boston against the court-ordered busing of black students to white schools. “Diversity” means chasing down the last white person!
Theyvd destroyed my state with there plan to genocode the white man, our australian culture is gone’ our once proud unions are falling due to political pressure and also members who cower and run when the boss abuses there rights .3rd wprld agenda.my grandfather would.be appalled je fought dor this country Australia in ww2. Sold out
I agre with PATO. my state has ben destroyd by minorities/ i hate them
I like to see the white women who give birth to black babies
This is corporately funded and has been for decades. In the EU, there’s a lot of foreign investment from rich oil arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar the UAE. Ever noticed how none of the extremely rich Arab oil countries ever take their Islamic brothers and sisters as refugees? They only accept guest workers from Pakistan and Bangladesh who they treat like absolute shit and often don’t pay them or just straight up murder them. No actual refugees though.
They never signed a treaty with the UN that said that they should take in refugees. The European nations did.
And European members of parliament are in on this too because they take paychecks from these oil nations that hate the West on religious and ideological grounds, so they import millions of arabs, indians, afghans and Bangladeshis to come to european countries. And if you say anything about this, you’re automatically a racist despite the fact that these “refugees” don’t even come from warzones, are almost always males of fighting age and aren’t being persecuted on political and ideological grounds.
There’s deep pockets funding this and there’s no counter to it whatsoever. No corporation or billionaire philanthrope that’s supporting a mass deportation or anti-refugee/mass-immigration movement or organization. Think about that about for a second.
They’re too smart. And they don’t take the waste of flesh Palestinians in. Leaving them there puts pressure on Israel, but mostly they’re no better than travelers or gypsies.
The destruction of all that whites created is accelerating. One beautiful thing: What whites have can only be destroyed when the last white is murdered. What makes us great is what lies within. I accept that I can’t dance or sing, and my penis is no great snake. Good for the blacks. Good for the white women.
But what I am is aware of my place in the Universe, the penultimate creation (so far) of Evolution’s slow magnificent swell. Fuck God, he apparently loves these savages, too. He’s welcome to them. The Universe, from nothing, produced this incubator Earth, and from it came life, and then Europeans, the descendants of blacks who had the balls to cross the land bridge out of Africa, became the best of the Universe.
So much more could have been achieved, but in the end, our compulsive self-flagellation into acts of compassion destroys us. I don’t blame the black hordes. Nor the cockroach in my cabinet. I spilt the grain. I kept no watch. In my weakness, I reached out. My white guilt, or just guilt, since savages have none, is my doom.
Too late I realize.
I will spread the 14 words and fight white genocide until I dead. I’ll never give up.w.l.m
I love how whites like you always love playing the victim. Your ancestors raped, tortured, and murdered tens of millions of Blacks and Native Americans. Yet you desperately want to feel like a victim, and thus make brainless websites such as this. I hope what you’re afraid of really does happen, it would be a great thing for the world to get rid of soulless demons such as you. Just like the Nazis got their karma after WW2, creatures like you deserve their karma.
The media, commercials, Hollywood, and all politicians are terrified to call what’s happening, “White Genocide”. They say massive illegal entry into the U.S. is about votes and class. Lies!
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