Consider how extraordinary this is: The genocide of a country’s founding people is well underway, but no prominent person will even mention it other than Nick Fuentes, who is thoroughly reviled and cancelled from most platforms and even cancelled by banks.
That’s the power of anti-Whites in the West today.
For the first time in the history of the human race, a people has been so stupefied by decades of propaganda that they are quietly submitting to their own genocide, without having been overcome by any armed force.
Note that White Genocide results from the imposed conditions of mass immigration and forced mass assimilation that result in mass intermarriage, or at least mass interbreeding.
The policy of the anti-White rulers of the West is to pour more and more non-Whites into every White space.
Every year, fewer families that were once White are still White. Looking at schoolyards in America today, the percent of White children is often startlingly smaller than the percent of White adults in the local population. Everyone reading this probably knows at least one family, possibly their own, that was once White but no longer is.
While Whites are kept distracted by every possible issue, White Genocide steadily proceeds.
Nick’s statement in our title is at 45:09 minutes here, and his statement in our feature image above is at 2:29:41 minutes here.
See also:
Is Nick Fuentes guiding House members Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene in the speakership battle to have Congress investigate White Genocide?
Thank you, President Ye and President Fuentes, for returning Richmond, Virginia’s disgusting “White Genocide Boulevard” to being beautiful “Monument Avenue”!
Nick’s programs are streamed and archived on rumble, and are also streamed on his own platform cozy.tv where they may remain up for a few weeks. He usually streams weekdays late at night, but not every weekday now that he’s working for Ye. He’ll usually give notice on his telegram if he’s streaming that night, along with a (very) rough estimate of the time.
The images in this article are also links
Some anti-Whites or even some persons who imagine themselves pro-White may read this article and believe that they have an argument that shows that White Genocide is not a genocide. If you’re one of those, feel welcome to present your argument in the comments.
IMO the detailed article below that responds to Chris Rufo does an excellent job of demolishing beforehand all such arguments that we’ve seen raised over the years:
Chris Rufo hates Critical Race Theory but loves White Genocide!
This extract from that article may be helpful to some:
“Under normal conditions (no forced assimilation with unending floods of immigrants of other races), a race that’s overwhelmingly the majority race in its homelands wouldn’t be threatened with being blended out of existence by its infrequent marital unions with small racial minorities residing there. But anti-Whites have put Whites today under the very abnormal conditions of mass third-world immigration, forced integration, and mass advertising that depicts mixed marriages as the new normal for Whites.“
Fuentes being escorted out of CPAC yesterday — hilarious! Love these groypers, man!
All the cucks know that Nick is the real deal.
Damn! It’s almost half past midnight Nick’s time, and he hasn’t started his “every night at 9 pm” show yet!
Usually he’s very reliable in starting his 9 pm show some time before midnight.
That’s okay, Nick. Whatever works for you.
It’s 1:30 am NIck’s time and his 9:00 pm show is now beginning, lol!
But if you tuned in at 9 pm, the show’s lobby is good, so you probably didn’t even notice that 4 and 1/2 hours passed.
On the road to White obliteration, this is exactly what is going to happen on our present course:
(one-minute clip of Nick Fuentes, “Why we need White identity”)
Nick on what it will be like when Whites become a minority: