Hey, when was the last time non-whites had to apologize for anything, such as allowing themselves to be used by anti-whites to carry out White Genocide? And when was the last time whites did not have to apologize for failing to enthusiastically welcome White Genocide?*
The Inquisition of Our Most Holy Church of Political Correctness, today’s state religion in white countries, uncovered scholars of the Medieval Age working comfortably in their virtually all-white field. How dare white people allow themselves to feel comfortable in the absence of non-whites?
The Church of Political Correctness’s Golden Rule for whites: Love your non-white neighbors, and if you don’t have non-white neighbors, import some so you can love them!
Import MILLIONS and MILLIONS of non-white “neighbors,” so you can intermarry with all of them and be blended out of existence!
If you’re white and lust in your heart to live or work in a community of other whites, you commit the mortal sin of resisting White Genocide. Our Most Holy Church of Political Correctness may or may not grant you absolution if you’re penitent and perform a rite of perfect contrition as these Medieval scholars did:
“The International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS)…formally voted to alter its name, bowing to critics who argue that ‘Anglo Saxon’ is code for whiteness, a phrase that is co-opted today by white supremacists around the world to advance a false version of white-dominated history.
“[ISAS wrote in an email to members] ‘We apologize to our colleagues of color who have experienced the name of our society as just one of many microaggressions they have faced in academia.’”
Can you believe that such blatant racism was still being exhibited openly by professionals in 2019, until the long arm of diversity finally chased them down? It’s embarrassing that scholars of Medieval Anglo-Saxon England brazenly supported white supremacism by naming their professional organization “the International Association of Anglo-Saxonists“!
What’s next? Will researchers in genetics name their professional organization “the International Association of Geneticists,” and pretend they don’t know that “genetics” is a neo-Nazi white supremacist hate word?
The Medievalists pretend that casually giving their organization a hate word moniker, a name that would inevitably trigger random terrorism, was just a “microaggression,” even though they know it was actually stochastic terrorism! (Look it up, it’s coming soon to a compulsory anti-white indoctrination center — i.e. “school” — near you).
But heed your doctor’s words, guilt-ridden and shamed white “scholars” of ISAS:
Sadly, many whites today have never experienced a white community and don’t know what it’s like to feel at home with people whose ways are familiar and understandable. Today’s numbing and non-nurturing “multiculturalism” can never be a community, but it may appear the natural order of things to many young whites who have lived only among institutions that are preparing a future with no white children.
“[Vice President Rambaran-Olm] fought to…’dismantle racism within the organization’ by making it more inclusive of people of color, she said.”
“Racist” is a slur that anti-whites hide behind while carrying out White Genocide.
Fresh perspectives in academic fields would be a benefit if they were not just part of White Genocide today. Individual foreign scholars who recognized their status as visitors in a largely white home would be welcomed, and treated with the courtesy due respected guests, but foreigners today are being flooded into white countries and are turning our home into their home. Anti-whites demand that we incorporate non-whites into every area of our lives and feel toward them exactly what we feel toward our natural kin, other white people.
No racial group has ever done that or can do that, but whites must do that. Our anti-white rulers have elevated their denial of human nature to be whites’ highest moral imperative, the Church of Political Correctness’s Holy Commandment to whites and only whites to cherish their own genocide.
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Today’s crazed anti-whiteism isn’t something that “just happened.” It’s a radical change that’s been imposed on white societies through relentless propaganda delivered by anti-whites via all our institutions. Its genocidal goal is to blend whites out of existence by assimilating us with floods of non-whites and letting the resulting mass interbreeding take its course over time. Making anti-whitism the new morality encourages both whites and non-whites to view White Genocide as not only acceptable but as highly desirable.
The goal of anti-whites is “No child left white.”
It’s White Genocide!
If the Washington Post article excerpted above is inaccessible, much of it can be read at American Renaissance.
Counter-Currents has an excellent article about the ISAS affair! Read it and notice the anti-White buzzwords (which I’ve included among the tags below) that are being used everywhere to spread anti-Whiteism and surrender to White Genocide. These terms all derive from anti-Whites’ powerful word “racism,” the word-weapon with which the White race has been attacked and is being conquered and destroyed. Note the abject surrender of the scholars in The International Society of Anglo-Saxonists to that word and its associated terms. That surrender is being repeated in organizations and institutions throughout the White world.
*It certainly wasn’t when the recent Mass Ethnic Cleansing of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was carried out!
Xenophobic – a silly word that can’t distinguish between a stranger who comes to visit and millions of strangers who come to interbreed you out of existence.
This article makes the distinction. Thank you.
The present article and the article Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee discuss just two examples of anti-whites’ global campaign to break up white commmunity everywhere.
It’s a war on whites whose daily examples are countless.
Check some of the tweets — these Medievalist scholars are truly a bunch of clones who think their shared anti-white clichés express deep understanding. It would be rib-cracking hilarious if not so pathetic and deadly. Parents pay big bucks to put their kiddies in the hands of these indoctrinators.
Glancing over the article before reading it, I saw “ISAS” and momentarily wondered if it was a misspelling.
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“The Medievalists pretend that casually giving their organization a hate word moniker, a name that would inevitably trigger random terrorism, was just a ‘microaggression,’ even though they know it was actually stochastic terrorism! (Look it up, it’s coming soon to a compulsory anti-white indoctrination center — i.e. ‘school’ — near you).”
Your article’s sarcastic but prescient promise is being fulfilled:
Behold, the Regime Unveils Its New Catchphrase for All Political Dissent: “Stochastic Terrorism”
That’s a dynamite article by Darren Beattie that you linked!
YOU, peaceful pro-White reader, are a “stochastic terrorist” according to the anti-Whites who rule us, since anything you say might possibly trigger some crazed rando to commit violence.
“Stochastic terrorism” seems pretty close to “the butterfly effect.” Anti-Whites want to prevent butterflies who lean pro-White from fluttering about at all.
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