Never forget Hillary Clinton’s reply when she was asked what the top priority of the Democratic Party was:
The graphics in this article are links
Thanks for your candor, Hillary. If only the anti-White leaders of the Republican party would speak as transparently. The Republican Party is becoming the party of White people, but like the Democratic party, it’s led by anti-Whites who support White Genocide.
The anti-White elites who rule us fear that Donald Trump will lead White people to OPPOSE White Genocide!
So those anti-White elites exert every effort to destroy Trump, including creating a false narrative of the January 6 event as a huge crime committed by Trump supporters that can be falsely charged to Trump.
Congress’s high priests of anti-Whiteism try again to exorcise “Donald the Demon” from our body politic — January 6 hearings
President Trump said to his audience at the Ellipse before they moved to the Capitol, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building, to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard…”
There was nothing in Trump’s address that suggested committing violence or even actually entering the Capitol. His view and the crowd’s view was that they were headed to the Capitol to “peacefully and patriotically make [their] voices heard” IN OPPOSITION TO THE INSURRECTION against legal American government that they believed the Democrats and their Republican collaborators were carrying out!
But a peaceful demonstration at the Capitol wasn’t what the anti-White regime wanted! So apparently the regime prepared a scenario to make sure it didn’t happen.
The regime wanted an event that it could use to destroy Trump and any possibility that he could seriously turn his MAGA movement against White Genocide.
Also desirable was an event that would instantaneously crush the objections to certification of the electoral votes that were going to be raised inside the Capitol that day by senators and congressmen!
Here Are The Republicans Who Objected To The Electoral College Count
And just how violent was the Capitol event?
Here are the four people, the only people, who died at the January 6 event. All were Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt was shot by a police officer, Rosanne Boyland was beaten savagely over the head with a baton by a police officer while lying unconscious, and Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greeson suffered cardiovascular events after being close to exploding munitions that police launched into the crowd outside the Capitol building.
All that and other matters that have remained hidden behind the lies in the “hearings” are described in The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary – EpochTV Live, which hopefully is still viewable for free.
Members of The January 6 Committee to Destroy Trump and Distract Americans from the Steady Progress of White Genocide are of course all anti-White and support White Genocide.

Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson — favors a porous border, and makes sure you know at the outset what he considers the January 6 hearing to be about.*

Vice Chair Rep. LIz Cheney — lets you know that Trump is the target!** She also favors imposing crippling sanctions on Europe and the U.S.

Rep. Elaine Luria — asks an old standby of the anti-White regime to repeat the lie that allowing Whites to stand up for their legal rights is the first step toward another you-know-what.

Rep. Jamie Raskin — Doesn’t believe in deporting people who enter the U.S. illegally.
And so on.
Whatever happens day to day with anti-Whites’ public circuses, they go to bed each night satisfied that another day has passed in which the flood of third worlders into the U.S. and into other White countries has not been halted.
They know that’s what matters.
*Chairman Thompson says very clearly, “I’m from a part of the country where people justify the actions of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and lynching.”
NBC changed “justify” to “justified” in its transcript, telling a meaningful lie about what Thompson actually said.
**Scroll down to Tuesday afternoon, June 28, 2022‘s discussion of “They’re not here to HURT me“ to see Liz Cheny create a popular lie about Trump just by changing which syllable is accented in a sentence.
I just found this site read a few articles and not once did they bring up that jews are financing and executing white genocide. hmmmm
Readers can see Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s Occidental Observer site for that. But not once will that site mention White Genocide! How can one explain such omissions? hmmmm!
Btw, readers can click on my name to get the real scoop on Charlie Kirk. The names of some other posters on this site are similar links.
Interesting! Yes, if the event was in fact instigated by state operatives, I wonder if frightening Senator Loeffler was part of their intention!