Written by Gil
I was somewhat reluctant to title this article ‘Propaganda Machine’ because the word propaganda has a negative connotation, I think most people think it’s synonymous with dishonesty. I still went with it because it’s more of an attention grabber. Besides, every single thing in these Stings lists are defensibly true; common sense and my own experience of nobody being able to refute me and me being able to defend every one of the Stings memes I’ve used proves it.
Years ago someone posted a link on the BUGS website calling it Bob’s Twitter Memes. I printed it out and went over the list and was in awe as I always was reading Bob’s articles and other Bugster’s comments. I initially thought they were Bob’s postings on Twitter but realized later they’re actually sentences from Bob’s articles put on a mostly random list.
Every time I went on the internet to swarm I’d say to myself “oh, there’s a meme in that list I could use” but because I don’t have a photographic memory and the list was long and random it’d be often impossible to find. Hence, I decided to organize the list so I could use it in the field. < The genesis of original Stings which has been under the ‘Training’ tab on the FWG website for a few years now.
These Stings lists are part educational tool and part propaganda tool in terms of posting the memes on the internet; most of the memes I post on the internet from original Stings are from the ‘Anti-White’ and ‘Integration’ categories. Since, as I said these ‘memes’ are actually sentences from Bob’s articles, some are hard to understand unless you know the context they were written in or have access to the article the meme(s) came from.
I’m aware I’m probably the only person using Stings but I created it for me to use. However, I encourage Swarmers to use it because I know from experience it works; besides copy/pasting, it’ll give you the basis to create your own weapons. Quite frankly, you’ll quickly get to the point of wiping the floor with every single anti-White you come across.
These Stings lists are not like the ‘Responding to Anti-Whites’ section (under the Training tab) on the FWG website whereby you can use that list without having “seen the answers” so to speak. With Stings you have to go over the list first, then whenever you go swarming you’ll see a headline, something in the article, a comment, a reply by an anti-White, etc that’ll remind you of a meme you saw in Stings that you can use and then you go find it – hopefully I’ve organized it in such a way that it won’t be too difficult to find and it won’t be the more you use it of course.
There are now 3 Stings lists: ‘Stings 3’ is being introduced with this article. ‘Stings 2’ will be posted on this site soon in its entirety but the categories will be introduced piecemeal, as I get the proof reading for each category completed. This new list is called ‘Stings 3’ simply because it’s the 3rd list I worked on: original Stings which you’ll find in the ‘Training’ tab on the FWG website was the 1st one – when that was finished and posted on the site Laura instantly sprung 2 more random lists on me – she barely gave me a day to pat myself on the back. Stings 2 is a monstrous list because it’s mostly paragraphs and huge.
Note; I ORGANIZED the lists and sent them to Laura. Jeff formatted it the way he did for the website and I’m more than happy with what he produced, particularly the long scroll format makes it easy to use. None of these lists are necessarily finished products, I may merge them into 2 lists in the future.
Lastly, organizing these lists was painstaking to say the least, many of the memes you could have put under several different categories or sub-categories, I had to create the categories in the first place. So you might look for a meme under a certain category or sub-category and not find it, so you’ll go search in the next logical category it should be in. When Laura sprung two more lists on me right after I finished original Stings she said “it shouldn’t be too difficult since you already have Categories (from original Stings) to put them under.” < not quite; I was able to use the original categories as a platform but I had to create new sub-categories, get rid of others, so on and so forth.
One more last thing: Bob’s concept of ‘Wordism’ is going to change the world profoundly. Wordism is a main category in each of the 3 Stings lists. Nobody has ever put into words what real/natural loyalty is anywhere close to how Bob has, and he’s given fake loyalty an epitaph the way traitors have labeled real loyalty “tribalism”. The gut feeling of real loyalty nevertheless has to be explained to protect us from manufactured loyalty – that is, loyalty to a set of words. A Bugster wrote a great article about Wordism awhile back on this site. It just is a revolutionary concept.
Canada is superior to old Spain b/c Canada doesn’t burn Heretics alive!
As long as white Aryans adhere to the morality of judeo-christ-insanity or pray to Jew gods, you can’t truthfully call it genocide but self inflicted SUICIDE.
Jim, in Stings 3 under the category TRAITORS, first meme under the sub-category SCUM: White people run things, therefore “we” pushed #WhiteGenocide? No White TRAITORS pushed White Genocide. I am not a traitor.