Do you oppose White Genocide? Of course you do! We knew that!
Do you support Donald Trump? Who cares! We don’t! (Some of us care and some of us don’t)
Whether you support Donald Trump or don’t support Donald Trump is NOT the point!
Our point is to use Trump’s unique public stature to get the fact of White Genocide in front of maximum White people!
If you want to help do that, then ironically or un-ironically you’re a member of Trump’s Stop White Genocide Army.
On sites that allow graphics in your comments, attach to some of your comments one of the graphics below, many of which have this article’s tiny URL in them.
On sites where graphics can’t be posted, end some comments with “Join Trump’s Stop White Genocide Army — bit.ly/SWGarmy“
That will get the fact of White Genocide in front of audiences in a unique context, and some of your readers will eventually come to this article and see the sense of joining Trump’s Stop White Genocide Army themselves to further spread the meme.
Here’s a few graphics you can use as suggested above.
After more than a decade of hard work by us, the previously unheard term “anti-White” is now in general use.
The success of the phrase “Anti-White”
We knew that getting the term “White Genocide” into general use would take longer, but it too can be normalized with enough repetition. We’re already a very long ways from where we started! For example, everyone reading this has already heard the term “White Genocide.” That would have been far from true 7 or 8 years ago!
We’re hoping for tweets like this one, right?

Right, but tweets or other comments that display the “Stop White Genocide Army” graphics needn’t be pro-Trump, nor about Trump nor about the project nor about any other thing. They could be about anything.
The goal is to spread the “Stop White Genocide Army” graphics, and anything else is just a bonus.
But it’s good that Brett included a link to the article, so that readers don’t have to type out the tiny URL in the graphic to reach the article.
I hadn’t thought of recommending doing that, when it fits the flow.
This comment on revolver news is very good!

this is a very nice web site
The current control systems on the planet are infested and inhibited with corruption and enough voting tabulation inaccuracies to initiate fixing the voting system to be non cheatable . I have not seen that happen yet . Politicians have not really talked that much about changing laws to ABSOLUTELY prevent future cheating . Do YOU, REALLY , KNOW WHO WON FOR SURE .
AI.s might be responsible for 67 percent plus of posts on the net today , as of less numbers before 2015 ,this creates a false AI. Made up non credibility or credible one of certainty on posts of truth on the net . Unfortunately, we have to go back to posting 2 by 3 notes about forming preservation communities on free public notice boards in your 100 square mile areas where you live to meet others of like thoughts . Use big black letters at top of note so we can spot them out of the other garbage notes . Just saves time looking , remember 2 by 3 note in corner usually.
Yandex seemed to be the only search engine i could find that actually acknowledged that white genocide is really happening. Google, Bing, Duckduckgo,brave, yahoo all say conspiracy theory. They are really trying to bury the truth. Meanwhile our society pushes for self hatred, interracial dating, violence againest whites and ect. Liberal whites are willingly leading the white race to genocide. Go on sites like reddit they have communities like blackworldorder openingly saying they will breed white women and kill white men and this is allowed and it has 400,000 members as i write this.
Thanks for the tip about Yandex. I forget what I searched on it, but I was amazed that it brought up immediately the results I was looking for and for which I was anticipating a lengthy search.
Trump, who in 2016 pledged as the priority of his campaign to deport the one million + illegal aliens in America, did but naught to this promise during the entire four years of his presidency. He is but a contemptible and villainous politician no different than any other president since LBJ.