May '23
May 13, 2023
Free speech, No Free Speech for Pro-whites, Podcast, pro-white terminology, Teaching Practical Politics
The FWG team discuss free speech and censorship and give you talking points you can use to fight anti-whites’ attempts to shut down speech.
Elections aren’t free if speech isn’t free, since without free speech the issues you’re voting on can’t be thoroughly discussed.
Great point, and as you say, a glaring example is the censoring right before the 2020 presidential election of the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Polls show that if the Biden family’s criminality as revealed by the laptop had been known, the electoral result probably would have swung the other way.
The control system currently being used was obsolete in 2014 with the use of advanced AI.s by rich world controllers . Just look at the laws of the control systems in all the countries , are they less supported by humans now than they were in the past in the 60′ s 70′ s maybe early 80′ s ? Humans , you answer , are the laws made then better for us or the ones today really ,better ?
“Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of reach” sounds like a SCOTUS ruling under Idiocracy.
Elon, if you don’t believe speech should really be free, just say so. No need to destroy the meaning of yet more English words by pretending you can have free speech while not having it.
I wonder if Musk takes a perverse pleasure in saying things to us that are really dumb. I can think of other examples.
But the pressures on him to censor are immense. Twitter was headed for financial doom when advertisers left after he bought it, right? And now the advertisers are mostly back, which we could surmise could be due in part to some understanding reached that speech on Twitter will continue to be somewhat un-free.
Maybe he figures he can toss the ADL a bone and they’ll kneel on his neck just a little lighter (I think I just committed “hate” speech) if he uses their stupid expression “freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of reach.”
Musk may be hoping that Twitter will get strong enough financially and otherwise for him to allow more freedom of speech without the anti-White regime destroying the platform.
I don’t think 89 percent of humans that use the net understand what happened in 2020 when most all intelligent , wise posts that could help them evolove into better advanced levels of awareness , were deleted , banned, and censored . At that point until today DEVOLUTION of humans has happened because of ( apparently) rich people world controllers want , pop reduction , By , dumbing people down thus creating what is happening today .
You don’t have to suppress speech unless you are LYING. ESPECIALLY when you’re the establishment and you control all the speech platforms; if someone says “misinformation” you get on your thousands of platforms and prove it’s “disinformation” – you’d have the kind of power no one could ever imagine failing, but when you’re LYING thru your f__king TEETH, YOU DON’T, you run and hide from the truth > that’s what free speech suppression IS.
That’s why the “white fragility” accusation is such laughable horse####. You have an entire establishment behind you, including the entire media, the entire corporate world with it’s trillions of dollars, and a massive well paid FAKE OPPOSITION as extra protection, yet you are DESPERATE to prevent a tiny group of dissidents with no money from speaking?! And you’re calling US “fragile”?? Holy Sh## bro! Me thinks we have a Wizard of Oz situation here. From Stings 3, first meme of sub-category War under the category Anti-White: The curtain has been pulled back, and there is no great and powerful Oz among the Anti-Whites. The Anti-White system is fragile. They are using silence, because they dare not engage.
Then there’s the other double-think of “you’re a dying breed, nobody supports you”. THEN WHY ARE YOU SO DESPERATE TO PREVENT US FROM SPEAKING??? So the “racist” “nazi” labels are just admissions they can’t refute us, in plain English they mean “I can’t refute you, but you shouldn’t be allowed to tell the truth” <THIS IS the "anti-racist" motto, the "right side of history". <OH MAN!
From Stings 2, 8th meme under sub-category Double Think in the Anti-White category:
Anti-Whites say:
1) We should quit because everybody is against us.
2) What we say could lead to a Nazi Regime.
That is, we have no support and we might take power.
Why do we argue with these clowns as if they were serious when we just need to quote THEM to show what nitwits they are?
BRILLIANT comment! It should be an article!
I see you reference the two new editions of Whitaker Stings, more snappy bits of Bob Whitaker’s wisdom that can be used in tweets, etc:
Whitaker Stings 2
Whitaker Stings 3
There’s also these:
Stings Test
Whitaker Stings
I am still waiting for richest world controllers of their most advanced ( controlled by them AI.s) to declare that there will be no censoring , deletions, or banning , of posts , OR any communications on the WWW , web / net , communications system . Their controlled minions of countries have not stated the above as well, in the country’s they theoretically , control . It’s possible , as of 2014 , the AI.s the richest world controllers controlled at that time became sentient / or independently thinking things that started communicating on the web or net UNCONTROLLED, by humans . They are STILL today in CONtROL oVER huManS?..,.?? I think they are tr. Mbng to stipop poxst ng frommme.