See anti-whites crushed by this BUGSer‘s masterful deployment of Mantra weaponry!
Anti-whites deny white genocide, then they demand every policy which perpetrates it. https://t.co/i5UFGcatdd pic.twitter.com/NADTjbD8SB
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
When some #AntiWhite says he's white, implying he is OBJECTIVE, I point out that it is amazing that someone would BRAG that he is a TRAITOR. https://t.co/v2o64lvADT
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
Everyone is welcome to use the phrasings in these tweets as your own — that’s the main point of everything we do here, is to give pro-whites word-weapons you can use as your own.
Of course you’re also welcome to retweet or like the tweets.
Most of his tweets are replies, to some specific remark of an anti-white, so it’s often helpful to use the links to view the tweets he’s replying to.
https://t.co/aCKo9gYJKr pic.twitter.com/3KTRrLa8NV
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
ONLY white people are told not to worry about their race in the face of genocide.#WhiteGenocide https://t.co/3kXCsUJLQj
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
Prove your words anti-white: name a few countries that you think are too black and should be made LESS BLACK in the name of anti-fascism. https://t.co/yOONnoLsgP
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
Why are whites the ONLY people denied the right to have countries of their own?#WhiteGenocide https://t.co/kGsnWMLfbj pic.twitter.com/h7DRoBG4Vk
— Tomasz Danecki (@t_danecki) November 3, 2019
Just half of the media pic.twitter.com/1DkFgWe1Bw
— Jake (@apoptopia) November 1, 2019
He primarily follows mainstream news outlets and replies to their articles. Anti-whites who follow the same media outlets often reply to his replies, and then he “retweets with comment” their replies. A twitter “repeat with comment” usually has much more reach than a twitter “reply,” and enables him to engage anti-whites with the Mantra material for the benefit of observing whites.
I started collecting his tweets to improve my own tweeting power, and then thought to share them. I’ll try to add older ones and newer ones as the weeks move on.
See also:
Add initials to our White House message to keep it on display!
I just proved you’re a genocidal maniac whose fiendish obsession is that no more white babies be born.
It’s hard to see white genocide when you’re anti-white.
This non-white would never marry a girl who looked the way he looks.
He’s obsessed with WHITE skin colour.
You can’t get more white supremacist than that.
You claim that white people are “evil” yet you say that if we separate from you it’s “cruel” and “inhumane”.
If your aim is NOT to genocide the white race why is it that you condemn EVERYBODY who wants to preserve it?
If whites are forced into a breeding contest in their own countries to survive you’re admitting that genocidal policies are in place.
If race doesn’t exist, how can we have “diversity”?
· Nov 20
Replying to @t_danecki
I’m not anti-white. But white genocide is not a thing. You sound mentally disturbed.
Tomasz Danecki replies:

The accusations made by anti-whites when they attack white people opposing white genocide usually reflect something they know to be true about themselves.
Tolerance: the interval between the first non-white moving in and the last white moving out.
How can you be “pro all races” if you support white genocide?
Every “migrant crisis” is always directed to white countries, regardless how livable any other place is.
This tweet has a great gif with it that I don’t know how to reproduce here — the combo of gif and text make this tweet a great one to retweet — check it out!
Genocide is a CRIME. Every time you use any other PC word, you’re saying NOT GUILTY!
I’ll keep repeating this until each and every one of you clones has heard it.
Pingback: Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes - ready for use! - Fight White Genocide
Anti-whites who attack us are NEVER doing it to DISCUSS #WhiteGenocide, they’re ALWAYS demanding that all discussion of it to be SUPPRESSED.
Anti-whites say there’s no such thing as the white race but the white race has to go. twitter.com/IanEnsign/status/1212466742032601088
It’s “white supremacy” when whites refuse to exterminate themselves with “diversity”.
Asia for the Asians.
Africa for the Africans.
White countries for EVERYBODY or you’re a xenophobe!
Anti-whites who pretend to not know what a white country is pick the countries that must allow unlimited 3rd world immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
#WhiteGenocide https://twitter.com/IanEnsign/status/1211907570677374976
Anyone who has a problem with someone saying #ItsOkayToBeWhite obviously does not think it is okay to be white.
If America isn’t a white country why does it need more “diversity”?
No one says any non-white country needs more “diversity”. According to anti-whites, they’re already 100% “diverse”.
“I’m white. How exactly am I anti-white?” By being a traitor, moron.