White Genocide doesn’t “just happen,” and neither does the anti-whites’ beat-down of the English language that helps White Genocide proceed smoothly.
Illegal aliens were turned into “undocumented immigrants” by a long and unrelenting campaign waged by their anti-white champions — here’s TWO 2 and 1/2 minute unforgettable snapshots of that campaign:
But look at this, from just a few weeks ago!
Justice Department: Use ‘illegal aliens,’ not ‘undocumented’ — CNN
July 24, 2018 — The Justice Department has instructed US attorneys offices not to use the term “undocumented” immigrants and instead refer to someone illegally in the US as “an illegal alien,” according to a copy of an agency-wide email obtained by CNN.
The issue of how to describe people in the US illegally has long been a subject of heated debate. In 2013, The Associated Press Stylebook.changed its terminology.to not describe a person as illegal, only actions. The AP Stylebook is widely followed across media outlets in the US. Most outlets, including CNN use the term “undocumented immigrant,” and only use terms like “alien” when directly quoting a government agency or official.
That’s a very small step toward halting White Genocide. Deporting illegals will be another very small step toward halting White Genocide..
But the anti-white project of blending whites out of existence by mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation in all white countries is completely independent of whether the non-whites used to carry that out are legal or illegal.
The focus on “illegal” is a little bit of a diversion from the issue:
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle”!
Please see also the first comment to this article.
Here’s a letter that the “Drop the I-word” campaign sent to the main newspaper of Charlotte, North Carolina 9 or 10 years ago when their campaign was in full swing. The link I had for it no longer works, so I have to ask you to trust me. Boldfacing is mine.
A stinking pile of horse poop if there ever was a stinking pile of horse poop.
This is the way these things are done though. Unrelenting pressure — repeated phone calls, letters, “requests” for appointments to discuss the matter, until the targets finally say, “Give these people what they want, they’re driving me nuts.”
As a case study in anti-white propaganda, the quick video posted in the article above that demanded the replacement of the term “illegal aliens” by the term “undocumented immigrants” in 2013 is superb:
70,000 people tell the New York Times to drop the I-word
Its content is absurd, but the phrases “dehumanizing,” “morally incorrect,” “racist,” “dehumanizing slur,” “derogatory,” “divisive,” “inaccurate” and “fair and accurate” stick in the brain and appeal to the strong desire of whites to be on the side of morality, which for whites today has become the genocide of their own race for the supposed sake of “humanity.”
And consider the degree of focus in this campaign. We could have the same focus on “White Genocide” and “anti-white” and the few Stop White Genocide memes, but instead pro-whites are all over the place mostly kicking at the blocks of concrete that anti-whites have set in place against us.
Take 1:41 minutes to watch the video and study its technique. Here’s most of it:
See how it’s done?
Replace all the anti-white buzzwords with “White Genocide” and “anti-white” and it reads like an article at Fight White Genocide.
Some updates a year later on the “illegal alien” vs “undocumented immigrant” word-war:
McAleenan you pussy, you caved and didn’t “win” anything! Pathetic!