[A contribution from our poster White GeNOcide]
Put this sad event in the category of Collateral Damage of White Genocide. Hague City Councilor Willie Dille, age 53, committed suicide two days ago following what a political associate described as “a year of misery,” which according to Ms. Dille began with her being gang-raped by Muslims who wanted to silence her political speech: “I just want the world to know the truth. 15 March 2017 I was kidnapped, raped and assaulted by a group of Muslims because they wanted me to keep quiet in the Hague city council.”
Ms. Dille’s statements were made a few hours before her suicide, and were recorded in the video below in which she also accused another Hague City Councilor, Arnoud van Doorn, of instigating her rape. Van Doorn is a Dutchman who converted to Islam several years ago. He was formerly a member of the same political party Ms. Dille belonged to, Gert Wilders’ PVV party that is often described as “anti-Islamic,” but presently he is a member of the Partij van de Eeneid, which is often described as “pro-Islamic.”
In the video, Ms. Dille said that she had received death threats, was concerned for her children, and was leaving politics.
Clearly, the White Genocide that’s being carried out by mass third world immigration and forced assimilation in white countries world wide, which will blend whites out of existence or reduce us to tiny minorities, is not proceeding smoothly in the Netherlands. If the details alleged are true, Muslims in that country have pursued their political objectives by raping a political opponent and then driving her to suicide with further threats.
As we await more information on both the political and personal aspects of this case, let’s take a quick look at just one way that political correctness may have contributed to Ms. Dille’s suicide.
When white women are raped by non-whites today, everyone including the victim freezes their feelings so they won’t exhibit hate or “racism.”
There is no natural reaction of rage from family, friends, or society to support the rage and pain the victim feels and needs to feel. And if a therapist encourages her to “let out her feelings,” he needn’t worry that she’ll mistake that for permission to scream racial epithets.
This sick blocking of natural feeling makes the damage of rape much worse in my opinion and observation.
I remember when the legal penalty for rape in the United States was death. That was back when we white people still cared about ourselves. That was before anti-whites demoralized us with political correctness to facilitate their program of White Genocide.
Ms. Dille’s suicide is a tragedy. What is happening in the Netherlands, Europe, and all the white world is a tragedy.
We extend our sympathy to Ms. Dille’s family, and we ask you to
A link to the same video but with English subtitles has been added to the article.
Danish journalist Iben Thranholm in the news clip below:
Check out the men in the beginning of the video wearing skirts to show their solidarity with sexually assaulted women. Their message seems to be, “We are with you, sisters, we are all women!”
Ms. Thranholm’s remarks seem very relevant to Ms. Dille’s reported situation. Ms. Dille was a strong voice against Islamic invasion, which would leave her alone and unprotected by either her nation’s culture or her nation’s men.
Ms. Dille’s husband and best friend say they “don’t doubt” the rape occurred.
In my neck of the woods, Lewiston, Maine, there was a White man murdered a few months ago by a gang of Somalis. He was beat and kicked to death in the streets by Somalis some as young as 10 years old. The authorities and community response was to put a curfew on the local park and hold vigils for peace. The case has been unsolved and forgotten about quickly by the local media.
People need to realize that Muslims actually introduced Gang Rape to the West, where it was previously almost unknown. That alone is reason to expel them.
This sad case also highlights the reason so many rapes go unreported. Rape is the ONLY CRIME in which the VICTIM is humiliated, shamed and traumatised in court. If someone beats you up in the street, you are not required to recount in precise detail every single blow your attacker gave you, or your sexual history. If your house is burgled, you are not shamed and humiliated in court for being burgled.
The laws of all western nations need to change to accept NORMAL ENGLISH WORDS like “rape” to be sufficient in describing a rape. That’s what language is for: words to describe things. It’s time to stop the VOYEURISTIC lawyers, judges & rapists from forcing the victim to recount the rape in excruciating, unnecessary, pornographic detail.
Arnoud Van Doorn speaks to a muslim audience about his conversion to Islam
In the subtitled video of Ms. Dille linked in the article, beginning at :35, the subtitles:
I haven’t read any other evidence that attaches blame to Mr. Van Doorn. Going only by that statement by Ms. Dille, it doesn’t seem possible to conclude positively that he was involved, since her attackers would have known of the public antagonism between the two figures and naturally would have taken Van Doorn’s side.
I have no opinion on his involvement or not, although I’ll admit that I’m finding it hard to reconcile his participation with the politician’s charm of the gentleman in the video linked above.
Speaking of which, that video was frightening — it made me wonder if there are going to be a lot of lost whites converting to the sturdy certainties of Islam in this age of White Genocide and its accompanying cultural dissolutions.
Below are excerpts from a Google translation of this article published today in the mass circulation Dutch newspaper AD, Mayor Krikke advises a report:
CDA [Christian Democratic Appeal party] board member Danielle Koster…said to the AD on Friday evening that PVV council member Willie Dille could not have made up the story of a gang rape by Muslims. “You do not make up such a story.”
Willie Dille posted a video on her Facebook page last Monday in which she said she was raped last year by a group of Muslims [and that] Arnoud van Doorn would have been behind that. Dille committed suicide two days later.
Koster woke the wrath of the Islamic council member Arnoud van Doorn, who then wrote on Twitter that Koster is ‘an enemy of Islam and a threat to society’.
‘Disgusting to want to score politics over the backs of dead and fellow council members. You can not sink deeper,’ Van Doorn said.
On Twitter there was immediately a lot of indignation about the tweet, which is experienced as threatening, hateful and anti-social. The claim to be ‘the enemy of Islam’ could possibly be a Fatwa: an appeal to other Muslims to deal with Koster. “Is Daniëlle the next to be pushed over the edge ?,” was asked furiously to Van Doorn on social media.
Van Doorn’s statements also aroused the concern of Krikke. “Mayor Pauline Krikke has been in contact with local councilor Daniëlle Koster several times over the past few days. She has told Koster to file a declaration so that the Public Prosecution Service and the police can carry out further investigations, ” the spokesman said. According to him, the initiative for the talks was with Krikke.
Arnoud van Doorn is an anti-white who supports White Genocide. He’s a traitor to his country and to his people — he’s a very loud mouthpiece for invaders who are carrying out the destruction of his country and the genocide of his people.
Whether he played a direct part or not in the recent horror that Ms. Dille underwent, Arnoud’s support of the general program of White Genocide by mass third world immigration and forced assimilation is a crime of the deepest nature against Ms. Dille and all the native white population of the Netherlands.
His present work on behalf of Islam in the Netherlands sets up all women there as possible victims also, as the steady work of using the third world to blend whites out of existence proceeds in that country.
Just for the sake of professionalism: the correct spelling of the Dutch names in the article is Ge[b]e[/b]rt (Wilders) and (Partij van de) Een[b]h[/b]eid.
The event is terrible and shocking.
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