May '18
May 10, 2018
The hacker of this traffic sign in Arizona could have displayed “Stop White Genocide” instead of larping in the anti-whites’ favorite pageant.
But the irrepressible appeal of Mr. H. prevailed, or more likely, just the pleasure of shocking.
Here are the messages that fight White Genocide:
Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes — ready for use!
If your eyes are open, you see White Genocide progressing in front of your face year by year. Turn your skills and abilities to saving your race!
[Don’t construe this article as support of hacking traffic signs.]
Some folks believe that pranks like the traffic sign hack break up the conditioning that keeps whites feeling bad about themselves and supporting White Genocide.
For some parts of the audience (but how big a part?), maybe so.
But why not just bypass all that by sticking to the much more important Stop White Genocide message? Why sacrifice that message just to deliver a poke in the eye to last century’s history?
The public space needs to be saturated with “Stop White Genocide,” so that everywhere a white person turns he’s confronted by “Stop White Genocide.”
most (maybe up to 80% or even more) whites seem to be asleep — either racially indifferent or guilt-ridden or even worse – self-hating — dont exactly know how to awaken my sleeping white brethren — but i am certain of one thing – however things shake out the internet-www will be the great engine-driver and mass-communication mass-education mass-enlightening tool to bring about change —
Anti-whites write the script with their endless productions of Hitler-and-the-Nazis, and pro-whites (a few) obligingly cast themselves in the drama.
Anti-whites create the best pro-white propaganda, and pro-whites create the best anti-white propaganda.
Retweet these — they aren’t time dependent!
Don’t miss opportunities to spread “Stop White Genocide”!…
(Then scroll down one tweet for this one):
#ProWhites want a future with white children.
#Antiwhites want a future with no child left white.
Spreading the images below is a good way to be #ProWhite and participate…