I suspect not.
Halt the spread of Covid-19 in the U.S., even if it requires halting White Genocide
You can contain corona viruses and other diseases by halting the mass immigration of non-whites into white countries, and halting the forced integration and assimilation of whites with all those non-whites that’s meant to blend whites out of existence.
We pro-whites who oppose White Genocide are ready to help by continuing to repeat these points:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY?!
It’s not okay to be anti-white!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person (tinyurl.com/yxyvwr7r)
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide (goo.gl/vFmsKG)
Would the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) like us to add:
“‘Diversity’ is a code word for Covid-19”
Click on the tops of these to access them and retweet them:
"COVIDー19 is so deadly that we may have to halt White Genocide."
When #PresidentTrump or #DrFauci say that, I'll take them seriously and join the #ToiletPaperPanic. #COVIDー19 #WhiteGenocidehttps://t.co/OepQnWtoRY pic.twitter.com/cqyvq2GyIE
— Anti-White HateWatch (@AW_HateWatch) March 15, 2020
After all the #forests have been destroyed to feed the #ToiletPaperPanic, and #COVID19 has been "wiped out," the #AntiWhites who rule your white country will still be carrying out #WhiteGenocide.#Resist! pic.twitter.com/NoKXZmvWQf
— Anti-White HateWatch (@AW_HateWatch) March 16, 2020
Will you be #selfisolating?
Use the opportunity to find out what "#WhiteGenocide" actually means, by reading this article!https://t.co/i1iAr0WtfL— Anti-White HateWatch (@AW_HateWatch) March 16, 2020
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