BANNED! The video that panicked Youtube! The video TPTB don’t want you to see!
The crew discuss the fact that everyone assumes white moral superiority -ESPECIALLY “anti-racists.” Included are excerpts from Bob Whitaker’s Untrained Eye audio “Routine Racism.”
Bob Whitaker Audio “Routine Racism” http://www.whitakeronline.org/audio/bobw_townhall_050611.mp3
1:59 Bob Whitaker : Only whites are expected to care about other races
5:40 It’s Whitey’s fault
6:26 Access to white people is a human right
7:14 Living in a brown country is a death sentence
8:26 Basic human survival needs: Food, water, shelter, white people
8:43 Anti-white accountant
10:40 Expecting non-whites to act human
11:52 Everybody gets to live with whites -except whites
12:36 Bob Whitaker: Documentaries talk about non-whites exactly like they talk about animals
13:46 UNICEF commercials and ASPCA commercials are identical
15:22 Tamara Cincik attack, Haiti rape
18:00 Trump Tweets: no concern for whites
18:30 Whites are immortal
19:42 Whites only regard other whites as a serious threat
20:30 White Man’s Burden
21:40 Only whites care about the environment and leftist issues
22:53 Anti-whites are just taking advantage of white psychology
23:38 Bob Whitaker: We always talk about how GOOD animals are
25:22 Natives are wise
26:09 Bob Whitaker: We feel comfortably superior, Orientals are WISE
28:03 Bob Whitaker: It’s a MORAL superiority
29:18 Why are whites trying to do away with themselves?
31:51 Defeating the supremacy term
32:59 Repetition
34:12 Anti-whites can’t handle being told that THEY think whites are better
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