That’s the correct answer to anyone who asks, “What exactly is the Alt-Right?”
“The Alt-Right is the Stop White Genocide Revolution”
Of course the modest Alt-Right doesn’t like to describe itself in terms that might seem grandiose. So you seldom hear Alt-Righters explicitly make that statement!
But you can make that statement for them, not only in answer to questions, but before the questions are even asked!
You can be the first to post this popular tweet:
“The Alt-Right is the Stop White Genocide Revolution”
What’s that? You want to know if
“The Alt-Right is the Stop White Genocide Revolution”
is a completely accurate statement? Well not for all people in the alt-right, at least not yet. But just repeat that statement for a year or so and then check back.
White self-hatred is SICK!!! — take the pledge!
Put these in your toolkit!
Your Stop White Genocide Memes — ready for use!
An academic researcher contacted fightwhitegenocide.com recently — her questions and our replies are in this article:
Whites Have Rights?! We Need to Study This Odd Notion!
Here’s one of her questions and our reply:
Do you consider yourself and/or the Fight White Genocide project part of what the mainstream media calls the “alt-right”?
We’re pro-white. To the extent the alt-right is pro-white, we are pro-alt-right. If they want to do something effective in the global struggle against white genocide, wonderful.
“Pro-whites oppose White Genocide. Anti-whites support White Genocide.”
Supporting repetition of that couplet is a good reason for describing ourselves as “pro-white“ rather than using some other term.
Repeating “pro-white” and “anti-white” divides the social space into “pro-white/anti-white” instead of “racist/anti-racist.”
“The Alt-Right is the Stop White Genocide Revolution.”
Don’t forget to tell the alt-right!
Absolutely don’t forget to tell the alt-right.
Here’s a very impressive alt-right action IMO, even though it didn’t use any Mantra memes, not even White Genocide.
Pro-White Action in Vancouver, Washington
Aside from it’s not spreading Mantra memes, the only thing lacking was that the pro-whites doing the action were unable to somehow safely notify media at some point, and so the action has evidently gone unreported in media.
There’s a huge difference between the nature of that action and the nature of the site that’s reporting it!
I agree that that’s a huge improvement over a lot of previous alt-right actions. Much better optics, for one.
I’ve gotta’ say it though: it would be a lot better in the long run if they’d gone with “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide” instead of the meme they went with.
That’s probably going to have to wait until some of our own folk get brave enough to stage actions again that display it.
New Zealand, first White Man March a few years ago.
I think “It’s okay to be white” is a useful meme, even though it doesn’t go as deep as “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.”
In fact, because it doesn’t go as deep, and because it’s immediately understandable, it’s an easier ride for both the audience and the pro-whites doing the action. Note how little confrontation…zero, I believe…there was from the ordinary whites the pro-whites conversed with in that Vancouver action.
I think the meme is doing its part in creating a pro-white/anti-white division in the social space to replace the present “racist/anti-racist” division.
It does our cause good instead of harm, and that’s a step forward!
A related discussion:
“It’s okay to be white” and “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
Zeke: The fact that White Genocide is being carried out means that someone thinks it’s NOT okay to be white. So it’s not like the two memes are unrelated.
One is a meme for the moment — which is useful — and the other is a meme for the long term. 20 or 30 years from now we don’t want whites to be walking around still saying “It’s okay to be white,” we want them to be saying, “Thank God we were able to halt White Genocide.”
For that to happen, the White GeNOcide memes have to be hammered NOW.