If I hated a race I’d destroy it with diversity. But I’m not doing that. You’re doing that to MY race, the white race.
We don’t demand that the whole world be white. But you anti-whites demand that the whole world be non-white.
Under international law, genocide is any attempt to eliminate a group by any means. Killing is not necessary. Mass sterilization and force blending are two methods of genocide which do not involve killing. Mass non-white immigration plus forced assimilation in ALL white countries undoubtedly meets the definition of genocide under UN Resolution 260 Article II(c) “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Raphael Lemkin, the man who invented the term “genocide” stated: “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.” Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
You are saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every white on earth who wants to live in a white community is just for True Love?
If a person cannot find a single mate among the billion members of his own race, he doesn’t need integration, he needs therapy.
Is genocide one of your precious values?
You may be loyal to humanity, but humanity isn’t loyal to you.
Do you tell you parents, children and spouse that you’re not loyal to them, you’re only “loyal to humanity?”
The inevitable future/resistance is futile gambit is a psychological demoralization tactic. But leftist predictions never come true. They said Communism was inevitable. They said Hillary would win. They said Brexit would lose and European integration was inevitable. They said racial integration would reduce racial animosity. They said rehabilitation would end crime. They said white countries would soon become so overpopulated that they would resort to cannibalism. They said there would be a wild west bloodbath if states issued more gun permits to honest citizens. They said black test scores would equal white test scores after integration.
I am not impressed by leftist predictions.
If brown people are so good for the economy why are brown countries so poor?
Whites conquered America. ALL races have conquered land. Whites have as much right to land they conquered as every other race.
If you say whites stole America you are admitting it’s a white country. No one ever says diversity stole America.
The 1st obligation of any American who believes the US was stolen from the Indians is not to point fingers but TO GET THE HELL OUT!
Trying to demoralize a population by saying it doesn’t really exist is a known tactic in the pursuit of genocide. Your attempt to deconstruct whiteness proves your intent to commit genocide.
Do you think all non-Siberians should leave America?
All races have conquered land. Whites have as much right to land they conquered as every other race. Should Turks give Constantinople back to the white people they stole it from? Should Congoids give back the land they stole from Capoids in southern Africa? Should Ojibwe give back land they stole from Lakota?
Not speaking out against the message here, I think you’re doing a fantastic job, but your topic “All men are created equal” does appear in the US Declaration of Independence, which they can say is proof that it does. We need to make clear that the Constitution does not include that phrase, and that we mean it holds no legal bearing when in the Declaration of Independence.
> “If a person cannot find a single mate among the billion members of his own race, he doesn’t need integration, he needs therapy.”
Is this an incel website?
Oh wow! Two comments in and I found the idiot.
The Bible says you are not suppose to mix, it is a sin and those that do it will burn in the lake of fire AKA hell. The verse says Do not let your sons marry their daughters. Do not let your daughters marry their sons. Do not make a covet with them. In Acts it says you can not have clean from unclean. In Genesis it says to preserve your Daddy’s seed AKA meaning no race mixing. The UN which is United Nations forbids racial genocide of any race , religion or genocide in general. In the Holly Bible King James pg 210 211 forbids race mixing. Do not let your cattle breed with another kind. Do not mingle your seed. A 1959 judge said God almighty created all the races and separated them on different continents areas because God did not intend for them to mix. I repeat God did not intend for them to mix. Ted Cruz read a Bible verse and quoted it on TV that homosexuals are to be put to death meaning gay and lesbian which is an abomination to the Lord just as race mixing is also. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because society was too sick and disgusting to survive. This is when the family left the city and was told not to look back, but what does the mans wife do? She looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE, READ YOUR BIBLES AND DO NOT DISOBEY GOD.
I forgot to mention we also need to send all blacks back to their own country which is Africa. I lived in an all white town and we did not have a crime problem, gang problem or a drug problem that integrated towns have. Common sense tells you get rid of all the blacks.
Y’all are sick as fuck. White genocide doesn’t exist. You’re all just bitches who can’t wrap their heads around a world where white people are not the constant majority
Ok boomer
bitch, africa isnt a country
In a fair and just world, people would immigrate a lot less. People generally want to stay in their home country. However, with so much inequality now, the best option for many is to search for a better life somewhere else, which usually happens to be a majority white nation. Even many people are leaving Eastern Europe, which is SUPER white, so they can get a job in Germany, France, or UK. This situation isn’t good for either side. Has your movement considered instead focusing on tackling injustice and inequality so that people can stay and thrive in their home nations?
Imagine posing as Dr David Duke who opposes white genocide and the assault on white countries and peoples to denounce promoting the rights of white Europeans. I bet you’re a zionist, just upset that Dr. Duke also fights for the rights of Palestinians (who the Zionists in the counterfeit Israhell want to genocide).
Every race has a country where they’re the majority. Are you saying whites shouldn’t have the same?
Rebecca, the reason why the whole world wants to come here is not due to inequality in their own countries. Many are equally poor as the next person. They come for what whites have built, and the free handouts. Whites pay way more taxes than blacks and hispanics, and most of them are a net negative regarding taxes paid and benefits received. Why are you singling out whites to pay to take care of every other race? Sounds like you want to enslave the white race, a genocidal act.
get the fuck out of here, you annoying anti-white p.o.s
Europe is home to whites.. or at least it used to be before these faggot jews who are in power decided to deliberately flood the countries with not so intelligent non whites, knowing that whites are going to breed with them.
whites need to remain the majority in the countries they built up and fought for. there’s a reason why white people had the agenda to spread out. because most of us know what the fuck we are doing.
You guys are all sick. You all need to understand that people from other races are coming into these countries so that they can be safe from danger. You think that third world countries are striving or thriving? do u think that they are safe? do u really think that the place they live in is resourceful and sustainable? My Grandparents moved away from their country because it was unsafe and not a place to live in because of the conditions that you are clearly unaware of. If you are truly unhappy then that means you truly are racist because of the fact that you are ignorant to the reasons that come to play. When i mean racist i mean a person who does not give a shit about the well being of someone else and degrades them because of where they are from. Also news flash. White people where not in our country first neither america. it was the indigenous indies. learn your facts then talk the big talk. especially when you are degrading a whole race or multiple ones.
I personally support the Black New World Order and love my role as a Sissy Whiteboi and cant wait to begin getting my surgeries. #QueenOfSpades #WhiteGenocideisbeautiful
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe these countries they’re fleeing from are dangerous and backward because of the people living in them? Africa has some of the most valuable mineral deposits on earth and yet outside of white ruled nations there are no large-scale mining operations. Third world people live in the squalor and misery they have created for themselves by their laziness and ignorance, and it’s not the job of whites to babysit our inferiors. For the rest of the (possibly drunken) rambling that you hopefully aren’t desperate enough to call an argument, I would refer you to several of the points above.
Shay Malli, what about us? Does our future not matter? Does all the hard work of our ancestors not count for anything? At what point is it your race’s responsibility to provide a safe and prosperous society for your people? At what point is your unsafe living conditions a fault of your race, of your people? At what point do we talk about the real reasons why American urban areas are unsafe? Why does every anti-white just want to leech off white labor/tax/society/laws, all while spewing their anti-white rhetoric and lies, destroying the white race with anti-discrimination laws (which never apply to non-whites or non-Christians), and justifying white genocide with mass migration (often of predominantly fighting-aged males)??? If you achieve your end-goal of flooding all and only white nations with non-whites to satisfy your dreams of white genocide, the formerly-white society won’t be reflect any of the qualities you originally joined it for and you’ll be left with a “diverse” society less safe than that which you initially fled.
On another note, I’m glad that people are using the term White Genocide to describe this. It has made our opposition openly and publicly call for White Genocide under their real names. That’s quite the testament to the reality of the situation, that whites aren’t in control and aren’t oppressing people and instead whites are so oppressed and anti-white hate is so normalized that people openly call for White Genocide without any repercussions. It’s also ironic that whites usually have to go online and talk anonymously to fight White Genocide when the prevailing narrative is “world white order” or whatever lunacy the anti-whites spew.
touch grass you stupid sons of bitches. or better yet, finish your elementary education
Establish diversity free zones throughout usa.
Make it so that diversity only can drive electric vehicles, and shut their vehicles off when they attempt to drive out of the cities.
Do not allow diversity to spread horizontally, only vertically, so diversity is too busy erecting city buildings for itself to live in. This way, diversity can be kept occupied and will not bother anyone.
If we go back to Europe, all the non-Whites in the USA, Canada, Australia, and NZ would follow us because we know how to maintain a civilization.
What’s the best response to “you’re just anti-semitic”?