There is a debate in pro-white circles about optics. How should pro-whites present themselves? Should we strive for respectability?
We should definitely strive for legitimacy. That means always maintaining the moral high ground. It means using the law but never breaking it. It means looking well and speaking in a self-controlled and articulate manner. We should follow all objective standards of respectability, of course.
But it’s crucial to understand what it DOESN’T mean. It doesn’t mean affirming any weaponized anti-white term, talking point or narrative for short-term political expediency. All that does is empower the anti-whites.
We’re trying to impose an entire word view that’s completely at odds with our established Religion of Political Correctness. A world view that says white people have as much right to homelands and self-determination as every other race. A world view that puts history in perspective and points out that ALL races have conquered and enslaved. Anything we do that’s effective is going to be demonized by the anti-whites and it’s going to look at least a little odd to the average brainwashed white person. A real zealot of Political Correctness will look at you as the devil himself complete with horns and a tail. If your goal is to never do anything your enemies don’t like, you’re never going to achieve power and you’ll never get anything done. If you spend all your time trying to prove you’re not a heretic/racist/supremacist rather than delegitimizing those weaponized terms, you’re never going to gain power.
Our enemies don’t have this respectability problem. Since Political Correctness is the established religion, everything they say is consistent with the reigning power structure. Everything they say is “respectable.”
Don’t ever let anti-whites get away with slander by saying that just because you’re pro-white you want to homicidally gas six million Jews. Don’t ever let them get away with saying that just because you want white people to have the same rights to homelands and self-determination as every other race that that means you want to supremacize anybody. Never accept any anti-white framing. Challenge ALL of their assumptions.
Our controlled opposition Republican Party and all cuckservative talking heads and writers exist to be respectable. They exist to gradually co-opt leftist positions to maintain their respectability. They exist to never say anything that really hurts their leftist masters. They exist to give voters the illusion that there is a real opposition. It’s all just a show. Republicans may be in office but leftist anti-whites are still firmly in power.
Our job is to redefine respectability. We are imposing OUR terms, talking points and narratives to discredit the anti-whites in power and make them look like the genocidal bastards they are. Our job is to legitimize ourselves and our message and delegitimize the anti-whites. After we’ve done our jobs, anti-whites won’t be able to be elected to dog catcher let alone to high office.
And setting aside optics altogether, what’s more important than looks are the words on your signs and the words that come out of your mouth when a reporter puts a microphone to it. At that point are you engaging in an exercise in futility or an exercise in power? Are you saying things that only work on people already converted or are you saying things that discredit the anti-white system and that deprogram brainwashed white people?
We’re about taking power. Leave the co-opting to the professional cucks.
Why don’t we use the term: “Established Religion of #WhiteGenocide”?
It is a religion based upon the very mistaken notion that White people and our kids must be killed so that certain other races can rule the world exclusively.
I’m with you, TFF. Let’s replace using the term “the Religion of Political Correctness” with “the Religion of White Genocide.” I think the word PC is the enemy’s terminology and is not clearly defined. Some people think bad table manners is not PC, for instance.
This very good article by eyeslevel points up that the war we are in is a war of words. Anti-white words have created an American society in which anti-whitism and support for White Genocide are the only posture that confers respectability.
But we have found the antidote. Accurately naming what is being done to whites as “anti-white” and “White Genocide” has launched two powerful word-weapons against what has up to now been hidden in the blind fog of namelessness. No one can defend anti-whitism, or genocide against whites, when those things are called what they are.
Thank you, Bob Whitaker; and thank you, internet.
TFF, my first reaction to your suggested meme “Established Religion of #WhiteGenocide” was that I liked it a lot, but then I had the thought that I and everyone else who is familiar with the meaning of “white genocide” is well prepared to understand what the phrase “Established Religion of #WhiteGenocide” is saying, whereas the audience we’re trying to reach maybe is not.
We’re still trying to get “white genocide” well into popular parlance and into popular understanding. Adding something else that must be understood, that white genocide is an “established religion,” may be too much.
Also, calling something a religion that’s more a complex of actions than it is a complex of beliefs seems to me a linguistic departure that will also make understanding more difficult.
As for “political correctness,” it’s definitely our general rule to avoid the enemy’s terminology, but while that was a term that Communists used among themselves, among the larger population hasn’t that term always been used just by critics of political correctness?
If you use the suggested meme and can discern what the result is, report back! 🙂 My feeling is that it asks too much of the audience’s understanding, but of course I could be wrong.
TFF, I think I was overthinking it a bit, and I’ve changed my mind. After sitting with the meme “our established religion is White Genocide” or “our state religion is White Genocide” overnight, I like it. It’s a true statement of course, and is one more way of repeating the term “White Genocide.”
I’m not sure which way is better, making the meme a statement as I have, or using it as you wrote it, “Established Religion of #WhiteGenocide.”
The Established Religion of White Genocide sounds like you are supporting White genocide.
I think its extremely funny that white people have been at the top of the world for so long and now you are starting to fall you are making so much noise lol. How will it feel being the minority ?
White people stole America from the native Americans. This land does not belong to you so how can you have a problem when other people want to take it from you. Half of America was once Mexico from cali, Texas up to Colorado. And now you don’t want let Mexicans on their own land. Its kind of retarded.
I think you should use the name ‘Established Religion of Retarded White People’.
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