Written by a Hungarian Bugser, Uriel
Meanwhile in Hungary, Budapest:
By this time a large segment of ethnic – White – Hungarians know that in the minds of anti-Whites Africa is for the Africans, Asia is for the Asians, yet White countries are for everybody. They also know that native Europeans are denied to have their homelands everywhere on the globe, they are also denied the right to exist as a cultural, racial and ethnic group. This is geNOcide.
Understanding the sick nature of the genocidal system which advocates ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ in all White countries and only White countries, several thousand pro-White protestors took to the streets to stand up for their rights and for the rights of their children. The mass demonstration took place on the 10th of July 2015 in the heart of Budapest near ‘Keleti Pályaudvar’ a very large railroad station which has recently become infested by hordes of illegal immigrants.
The Hungarian bugser team calls for worldwide pro-White action! You can see with your own eyes, that building up a strong White resistance movement is not impossible at all! Educate your family and friends about White geNOcide! As we do not own the radio and TV – yet – you yourselves should be the pro-White media! You see that setting up a leaderless, grassroots movement always works. Talk to your friends, wherever you live and TAKE ACTION! Many soldiers died for their homeland, they gave up everything for their people, including their lives. In modern times you do not have to die to make your people free, it is enough to bear some difficulties like losing a job or doing some jail time. This is nothing to the sacrifices our ancestors made
for our freedom! With YOU the authorities can do NOTHING if you fight the smart way! What do you think, how will you feel when you grow old and your people become extinct, because you let this genocide happen? You will die with your heart broken and that feeling will haunt you for all eternity!
Interesting books in English about setting up powerful nonviolent resistance movements:
Good luck to everyone! And lift your ass up and START protesting, that is ALL it takes! Do something however small it is that opposes this rotten system and challenges its – moral –
authority and it WILL yield results, it WILL collapse in the end! Onward for our revolutionary struggle because we fight for the right thing!