Many are unwilling to act because they can’t imagine things getting any worse.
Open borders, forced integration, and assimilation are the reality of White genocide today.
In reference to his novel, Jean Raspail said “we are only at the beginning” and he predicted that the situation will be much worse by 2050.
There’s more to be done and his book is a warning that people need to read.
By signing the petition you will help bring awareness to the issue of White genocide.
Make “Camp of the Saints,” which describes the end of the West by White Genocide, required reading in American schoolsDistinguished French author Jean Raspail (goo.gl/oQpBae) foretold in his 1973 novel today’s flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, and the forced integration/assimilation of whites with those third worlders that will blend whites out of existence.
Today’s priests of anti-whitism train their young demoralized white students to support this genocide of their race by calling it “diversity” and “love.”
Anti-whites want a future with no white children.
Establish “A Future With White Children” program in our schools to read Raspail and discuss these truths:
White self-hatred is SICK!!
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide (goo.gl/vFmsKG).
Video of United Constitutional Patriots corralling illegal aliens at U.S. southern border
“United Constitutional Patriots New Mexico Border Ops more still flooding in… Amazing work being done at the border by United Constitutional Patriots – New Mexico Border Ops. Working with #CBP they detained a huge group last night from Guatemala. We need more highly trained groups like this working with CBP at the border. We also need Congress to act. There is a crisis at the southern border. #UCP #PatriotsInMotion #BuildTheWall #CatchAndDeport #FundCBPAndJudges stop the invasion.”