“We must also cleanse our American soul of its white male privilege,” says Michael Moore.
What Michael Moore really means is that America must cleanse itself of its white males, and of its other whites too.
Michael Moore is an anti-white who supports White Genocide that’s being carried out in white countries world wide by massive third world immigration and forced assimilation.
Japan doesn’t have to be cleansed of its “Japanese privilege,” nor China of its “Chinese privilege.” Anti-whites aren’t interested in cleansing Japan of Japanese, or China of Chinese.
What anti-whites are interested in is making whites feel guilty and demoralized so whites won’t resist the cleansing of whites from white countries. That’s why anti-whites attack whites for their supposed “privilege” and for anything else they can dream up.
A quick look at supposed “white privilege” in majority-white countries today:
When a non-white is hired over a better qualified white to enlarge the size of a firm’s non-white work force, where is the white privilege in that? I see non-white privilege.
Free speech is supposed to be a right in this country, but actually it’s a privilege given with expansive liberality to blacks and other non-whites, and denied with strict enforcement to whites. In public meetings, blacks can make just about any racial statement with any amount of anger or arrogance they care to display, whereas whites must confine themselves to a strict and decorous liturgy of racial self-abasement that furthers White Genocide.
White self-hatred is sick, but if you’re white and don’t display white self-hatred when required, you’ll be in serious trouble.
That’s “white privilege” for you. The right to, at best, remain silent in the face of non-white privilege, and to remain silent in the face of White Genocide.
There’s black privilege, Chinese privilege, white privilege, Hispanic privilege, etc. — in multiracial America the races vie for privilege and each can succeed in establishing some circumstances in which it is either legally or de facto privileged.
But which “privilege” is attacked as the one that’s real, and why?
Only “white privilege,” because whites must be kept subdued for White Genocide to be carried out.
“White privilege” is a code word for White Genocide.
Put these in your toolkit!
Here are some very fine repeater phrases for “white privilege” that time for freedom wrote to the same article on BUGS.
Use these when anti-whites are repeating the phrase “white privilege.”
Another repeater phrase to use when anti-whites are repeating “white privilege”:
“White privilege” is a term anti-whites hide behind to carry out White Genocide.
The discussion surrounding any racial group other than Whites concerns “rights.”
For Whites, the discussion is about “privilege.”
Rights cannot be taken away. Privileges can be taken.
Anti-Whites don’t consider our existence to be a right.
Anti-Whites consider our existence to be a privilege soon to be taken.
The difference between “right” and “privilege” is a subtle distinction. I don’t believe anti-Whites chose the word randomly . The concept of White “privilege” was thoroughly thought out.
The very concept of “privilege” – the idea that white people benefit from certain privileges in Western society, compared to non-whites living in the same social, political and economic environment – has a long and complex history in the United States.
Everyone benefits from the inherited wealth of their own country, but they don’t call it “Privilege.”
They call that a right.
Only in White countries are the inherited necessities for our existence called “Privilege.”
Privileges can be taken away. That’s why anti-Whites call White Rights “Privilege.”
When you talk about White “Privilege” you’re planning White genocide.
The title of this article could possibly be a useful repeater phrase.
But unlike the great repeater phrases Bob Whitaker left us, it has the disadvantage of requiring explanation — it required this whole article to explain it.
As a stand-alone repeater phrase, it may be just a little awkward. (Or maybe that’s just the way it strikes one at first exposure).
It does associate the term “White Genocide” with anti-whites’ hopefully soon-to-be-exhausted workhorse (or “prancing show horse”), “white privilege,” and so with enough repetition it might take some of the shine off that anti-white meme, or at least make use of it to spread our own meme.
I’ll suggest this article be posted at BUGS so that BUGSers can take a look at it.
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please non-guilted and non-hating and non-shit brain upright and upstanding white-race people learn to embrace and celebrate your so called ‘white-privilege’ it is the single greatest inherited dna heirloom you will ever know and experience in your lifetime — it is the very highest blessing you will ever come to know in your life on planet earth — the white-race people as we so identify with have done such incredible and great things — we have as a race accomplished and done so much across so many fields that it just stagers the imagination to behold — we need to do this — and the internet-www will be the vehicle-engine to bring this about — everywhere else you go — every institution that there is — every outlet that exists — is trying to kill off our racial identity — this truly is a spiritual war that i think has existed for maybe 50 or more years — it is a war of the mind — it is spiritual in nature — a very long term war-conflict that advances in small incremental steps — educate yourselves and embrace the internet-www world — this is our last standing outlet that there is to defend and promote our white-race-culture —
lol this michael moore is the most loathsome shit-head self-hating white person i think i have ever come across on all of mass media — he is physically repulsive, bloated like a fat ugly gluttoness pig , always wearing some stupid hat , is fetted allover the leftist media , rich,so he can do a lot of anti-white work — but in all fairness he is very highly intelligent and gifted in what he does , and comical at that — and most (worst) of all he is extremely effective
Michael Moore exercises his anti-white privilege to call for White Genocide, demonstrating that White self-hatred is SICK!!!
GREAT article by David Cole in Takimag yesterday:
Nonwhite Privilege
Here are some very fine repeater phrases for “white privilege” that time for freedom wrote to the same article on BUGS.
Use these when anti-whites are repeating the phrase “white privilege.”
‘White Privilege’ to you anti-whites just means White existence
‘White Privilege’ to you anti-whites just means White people living and thriving
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means White people who haven’t been force-assimilated out of existence, ie, White Genocide
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means Whites who’ve evaded White Genocide
‘White Privilege’ to the anti-whites just means White people existing in White countries
‘White Privilege’ to anti-whites just means White people existing
Another excellent (and very entertaining) article on privilege by David Cole at Takimag:
Our Privileged Oppressed
Good article by Ann Coulter on this topic with lots of “hate facts”:
“…race discrimination against whites is…justified by the nonsensical phrase: ‘white privilege.’”