A huge THANK YOU to WhiteGenocide.info for posting the below information and promoting the March Against White Genocide on their site. Original post HERE.
Join the MARCH AGAINST WHITE GENOCIDE! For more information and printable flyers visit – http://mawg.whitegenocide.info/
Saturday, March 19, 2016 
MAWG is a day of activism for those who oppose White Genocide. Let the world know that the anti-White program of FORCED “DIVERSITY” is unacceptable. FORCED “DIVERSITY” is genocide and genocide is a crime.
Make a plan…
Where will you go? Scout out good locations, focus on areas with lots of White people.
What will you need? Signs, Flyers, Stickers, Cameras, Clothing, Food, Drink, etc.
Got friends? Get them involved. We’ve all got a stake in this fight.
Brush up on your Practical Politics:
Hit the streets, neighborhoods, malls, overpasses, etc. Stay alert, be mindful of your surroundings, be aware of local laws, codes and regulations regarding activism and the distribution/posting of handbills, signs, posters, etc.
Get pictures, video, etch-a-sketch of your activism.
Get online, post your proof to the world.
Got a social media account? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Use hashtags #MAWG and #WhiteGenocide.