By Steve Goode – White GeNOcide Project
On page 7 of the Gorey Guardian, a print and online newspaper for the town of Gorey in Ireland, they have ran an article about how the Guardian’s own office had White Genocide posters stuck to the door during the March 21st “March Against White Genocide”.
“Staff arrived at The Gorey Guardian office in the Market Square on Monday morning to find the front door of the premises had been defaced with two deeply offensive and racist posters.”
“The A3 and A4 posters promoting the ‘White Genocide Project’, which were glued to the door, were promptly torn down, and the matter was reported to Gorey gardaí.”
Gorey Guardian staff contacted the gardaí (police) to report the posters, as is common-place when anti-Whites disagree with the content.
Fortunately, we understand the law, and White Genocide can not be argued as “racist” or “hate speech” by any Western legal system simply because you are allowed – actually, encouraged – to hate White people.
“A website mentioned on the posters referred to an international day of action on March 21, and it’s thought that a supporter in Gorey saw the website and decided to take action.”
Police from the Gorey Garda Station said they were looking to see if similar posters have been found around Ireland, but appear stumped as to who was behind them.
“A spokesperson for the Guardian said they were ‘baffled’ by the motivation for the vandalism.”
Motivation? Someone obviously cares about what may happen in the future Ireland, and I can understand why they would be.
Ireland, like so many other majority White countries has taken part in an agenda to commit genocide against it’s very own majority population – White people.
No, no mass murders are being arranged, but what is happening is that White areas are being legally targeted and forced to “diversify”, which means bring in large numbers of non-Whites and become minority White.
This, under international law is as much genocide as any mass murder, because the results are the same: fewer and fewer White people as a result of deliberate government policy.
We call it White genocide because no area has been accused of being “too Black” or “too Asian”. When White area are called “too White”, they are defined as the problem.