Hey FWG,
Here’s a quick run down of some Fight White Genocide activism I got up too on the weekend.
Playing disc golf with family and friends is fun and to make it even better is to putt up a few white genocide stickers!
I keep a handful of stickers with me all the time and my favorite disc golf course is a perfect place to spread White Genocide awareness.
At my local disc golf course there are people playing all the time and especially on weekends. The first round of stickers I putt up were “Diversity”= White Genocide and months later it’s still up even after hundreds of people passing them every week.
So I thought it was time to give my fellow disc golf enthusiast some new information about White Genocide.
Thanks for showing people my activism FWG, I really believe that ground level activism is a great way to give the perception that the White Genocide message is an “act of the people.” Plus its just a bunch of fun to see people read the stickers and a satisfying feeling to fight white genocide.
I’ve also passed along your site to friends and told them about your billboards so they can donate.
Martin D from Georgia