Jun '19
June 17, 2019
Wuntz is from a distinguished Solutrean family that has made its home in Virginia for the past 20,000 years. Wuntz himself served with distinction on the team that made the first ever use of the White House's website to display the terms “White Genocide” and “Anti-white,” as well as the other Stop White Genocide memes, and that later publicized those same memes in emailings to colleges and towns. Wuntz has lately entered his golden years in which young women talk about the most amazing things in his presence as if he weren't even there. Wuntz plans to continue spreading Mantra until he overhears a young woman in his invisible presence saying to another, “I refused to (do such and such unimaginable sexual act) because the fellow seemed anti-white.” Wuntz asks you to help him FIGHT WHITE GENOCIDE by spreading the Mantra memes that are in our article "Bob Whitaker’s Practical Politics: Your Stop White Genocide talking points, repeater phrases, memes — ready for you to repeat endlessly everywhere!" — tinyurl.com/3bdvvsda
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