Ironic, but of course it also makes total sense. The last thing a white traitor wants to see when he drives to work every morning is a mirror that reflects his twisted sickness back at him.
Kevin Oxenrider, a biologist employed in the Division of Natural Resources of the state of West Virginia, is a shaky customer who was so overcome by seeing his sick reflection in our mirror that he needed to pull off the road until he stopped shaking:
“This was so appauling [sic]…I literally had to pull my vehicle over and get myself together I was shaking so badly from how disgusted I was. Absolutely terrible.”
Mr. Oxenrider clearly needed to be delivered immediately to the intensive care unit of a ward for anti-white psychotics.
But instead, mounted astride his galloping anti-white psychosis, and putting the spurs to it like a demented Paul Revere from a parallel anti-white universe, Mr. Oxenrider rode furiously to his governor’s office in Charleston where he delivered his alarm that West Virginia was under siege from a billboard outside of Hanging Rock that was using free speech to oppose White Genocide.
According to articles at fightwhitegenocide.com and bigleaguepolitics.com, the owners of the billboard were not only contacted by callers urged on by Oxenrider, but were also contacted by the governor’s office directly, and feared that if they resisted, Oxenrider might use his influence to cause their businesses issues with permits and other matters. So they removed the billboard and returned the rental fee to fightwhitegenocide.com.

White traitor Kevin Oxenrider, W. VA. state biologist, thinks white self-hatred is GOOD!
Oxenrider’s insane first tweet makes me wonder if he’s married to a non-white and has mixed children, since that’s sometimes contributed to similar extreme reactions against our simple opposition to White Genocide.
That’s worth a moment’s diversion, since intermarriage per se is not the problem for us. The problem is that the flooding of our countries with third worlders, and the laws and propaganda that impel our assimilation with that large number of third worlders once they’ve arrived, raise the frequency of intermarriage to the point that we will be reduced to very small minorities in our countries or eventually blended out of existence altogether.
And let’s note that this is not “voluntary,” since we never voted to have our countries flooded with the third world, nor did we vote for the laws and propaganda systems that press our assimilation with that third world.
If whites were allowed our own homelands as the other races of the world are allowed, and we were rid of laws that force assimilation and rid of anti-white propaganda that causes whites to hate themselves, intermarriage would occur at such a low rate that it would be inconsequential for our race as a whole, as was the case before the current madness was fastened on us.
Now you understand the broad scope of White Genocide if you didn’t before, and that also concludes our exciting narrative of Mr. Oxenrider and his strange but much-too-common illness.
Mr. Oxenrider, you are a white self-hater and you are SICK!!!
I believe it is you that holds self hatred. Your knowledge of multiculturalism is weak. Biracial individuals initially began when white immigrants raped native American women. It then continued when uppity white folk decided to force African nations ship their men and women without their permission to America. These individuals were quite happy with living in Africa. Once they were forced into America they were sold as property of uppity white folk whose men again perpetuated biracial individuals by raping their slaves. I am a proud woman. Not because of my skin color. Because of my accomplishments.
Maria, all you are doing is JUSTIFYING white self hatred. Whites have NEVER committed a unique crime, but we’ve an INFINITE number of unique achievements.
Forcing all and ONLY white countries to become “melting pots” is White Genocide. No matter what race, genocide is a CRIME!
I have no self hatred over being white. No self hatred over being female. In fact I embrace love for myself. That is done through honoring and Redford tying all human beings. Again, those of you who are coming up with this crap seem yup have self hate. Like my mother always said “If you’re the first to think it, you are the one doing it “. Keep your self hate where it belongs — to yourself.
These sick anti-Whites love to try and “educate” us by spewing the same old brainwashing BS that they try to pass off as “knowledge”. They think we are just ignorant of the wonderful “knowledge” about multiculturalism. What a bunch of foolish robots they are! Wake up, White anti-Whites, and stop hating your skin color because of your lofty “knowledge”. You are being genocided, idiots ,and you anti-Whites are helping to do it. We are at WAR! It’s time to choose sides. Are you for or against White Genocide?
Maria, you are NOT White anymore. You abandoned your people, and spread your legs to receive the seed of rival tribes…tribes that are inferior by every measure, but you nonetheless choose to climb down the evolutionary ladder. You committed genetic suicide, and a promoter of White Genocide. You are the sickness this billboard warned of, but its message will not be silenced.
“Intermarriage per se is not the problem for us. The problem is that the flooding of our countries with third worlders, and the laws and propaganda that impel our assimilation with that large number of third worlders once they’ve arrived, raises the frequency of intermarriage to the point that we will be reduced to very small minorities in our countries or eventually blended out of existence altogether.
And let’s note that this is not “voluntary,” since we never voted to have our countries flooded with the third world, nor did we vote for the laws and propaganda systems that press our assimilation with that third world.
If whites were allowed our own homelands as the other races of the world are allowed, and we were rid of laws that force assimilation and rid of anti-white propaganda that causes whites to hate themselves, intermarriage would occur at such a low rate that it would be inconsequential for our race as a whole, as was the case before the current madness was fastened on us.”
-That’s a quote worth repeating. Thanks to whoever wrote that piece.
Interesting comment by Tom Bowie on BUGS:
“AntiWhites have the same mental disorder that causes some people to intentionally get AIDS; self hate is a sickness that’s contagious.”
it is one of the million problems, wise up. we are on the ropes.
Oxenrider is a punk and a traitor, cannot say what I would like to do with his kind, but I would.